
"This is a fascinating glimpse into the lives of Wolsingham families a few generations ago. Utilising the log book entries made by various Wolsingham National School Headmasters and Managers alongside contemporaneous newspaper articles, Andrew has brought local history to life. He uses direct quotes from these sources supported by his own knowledge and research into the historical context. Residents with familial links aswell as incomers with no direct ancestral connections will learn much from his sympathetic portrayal of life for ‘poor’ Wolsingham families in the 1860s and until 1911".

Highly recommended ! ⭐️ ⭐️ 🌟

Gillian Calvert


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Michael Wilkinson


"Well worth every penny, good quality and well compiled. Really good read". 👍

Linda Pound


"Just received your book today and I've already started reading it. Beautiful quality. Very happy, especially to read entries about my grandparents. It's a super book. I'm looking forward to telling my brother who lives in France all about it".

Jean Watson

North Hertfordshire

"Fascinated to read about this book. So many names are familiar to me having been born in Lister Terrace in 1938."

Betty Whithorn


"I have just received the book and have stayed there with Andrew and his family and have enjoyed the full benefits of staying in the school itself. The place is full of character, it has retained all the best unique features but is a home as well."

Penny Maxfield

Wokingham, Berkshire

"Have enjoyed reading this interesting book, especially looking out for names of ancestors; so far Great Granny (and maybe a sister) have appeared. Relieved to report neither were described by the Head as ‘dull’! Coming to the end of the book now where local ‘boys’ who fought in the Great War are dealt with in more detail."

Pat Strong


"Amazing book! Hadn't realized how important the village was in so many ways. To me it was just a wonderful place my nan lived. The book provides a tremendous background to a village I stayed in every summer, nan at the WI and the show in September. Looking forward to a sequel."