'Through The Eyes of a School'

by Andrew Marshall

Provides a fascinating insight into Victorian school and village life in a County Durham rural village over an almost 50 year period.

Compiled using entries from the Wolsingham National School Log Book, and interwoven with Newspaper articles of the time, this book takes you on an intriguing journey through the trials and tribulations of running a school for the poor amidst the ever present threat of disease, the overwhelming need for child labour, and many other obstacles disrupting education in the village.

During the period covered by this book, Wolsingham underwent a transformation from a small rural cottage industry village, through to becoming a major hub in the nation’s steel working industry.

Contains numerous local interest stories... from Murders to Giant Turnips!

Also contains extensive local family research, including the experiences of Wolsingham soldiers in World War 1 - all linked to the online database

The main source of research for this book was the Wolsingham National School Log Books held in the Durham Archives.

All individuals named in the Log Books were researched during the process of compiling the book, but where this research was not included in the book, the individual’s information has been added to this online appendix in the hope that it may be expanded upon in due course.

Although research was carried out as far as was practicably possible, information was limited for a high number of the named individuals. Also, due to the high number of names encountered, it has not been possible to verify all the information found. In cases where the author was unable to view a record directly, terms such as ‘unverified’ and 'independent' are used to indicate that the accuracy is only inferred.

This research is offered with a request that any errors or omissions may be brought to our attention through the online Contact Form.

The book touches on a number of topics such as Education, Crime, Politics, and Victorian Rural Life, as well as describing the experiences of former pupils during the Great War. By following the lives of the individuals known to have passed through the school doors, we are provided with a vivid picture of all life’s opportunities, and all life’s disappointments which came their way.

Through The Eyes of a School

A History of the Wolsingham National School